Understanding Your Market with IAC: Smart Cities
The Innovation Asset Collective is launching a new series titled “Understanding Your Market with IAC”.
In this series, we will give a brief summary of key takeaways that can be found within the patent landscape reports and educational content that IAC produces for its members.
Through presenting a summary of IAC’s content in this way, our goal is to provide a snapshot of the valuable information that is contained within the market intelligence and education materials that are created for IAC members. The key points taken from this content can then be utilized by SMEs to achieve market-level success in the sectors that they operate in.
In the first installment of this series, we will be going through some of the key elements that can be found in our patent landscape report on Smart Cities.
This patent landscape report explores the patent ownership of intelligent transportation systems across various in-vehicle and on-road sensing technologies, radar, ultrasonic, magnetic, video processing, piezoelectric, pneumatic tubes and inductive loops.
“Smart cities” and associated technologies offer one of the most promising ways to make sustainable growth a viable option, touching several aspects of human’s lives such as consumption, mobility, social connectedness, and the cost of living.
For Canadian businesses, the time is right to make sense of the new market opportunities and capture a larger global share in the future low-carbon transportation economy.
This study summarizes the industrial innovative activities in intelligent transportation systems.
Businesses are innovating around sensor-based applications and data-driven models to solve problems of traffic congestion, parking and safe efficient travelling in the city.
Using patent ownership information, this study examines the protection of sensing technologies applied across the following transportation sub-sectors:
If you’d like more information about IAC’s patent landscape reports, or want to learn about an IAC Membership, visit our website and complete the information request form or send an email directly to Rasha Shamat, IAC’s Business Development Manager at rshamat@ipcollective.ca.